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테라리아 건축 아이디어

by qqbb 2020. 2. 8.

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스크린샷은 F1을 누르면 나오는 인게임 카메라를 사용하는 편이 좋습니다

설정에 따라 인터페이스와 엔티티가 사라지며 배경 투명픽셀, 영역 지정 가능합니다

전... 귀찮아서 F12 눌러서 스팀스크린샷 씁니다

간단한 회전 계단
계단 튜토리얼
Guide on refined trees - https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/comments/ezfcvv/wip_guide_on_refined_trees/


My style here was to get trunk(inactive) actuated and leaves active.


With block variation (2-4 blocks) for thick trunk I randomly placed blocks. I don't recommend living mahogany wood on skinny trunk.
In the leaves I sometimes place brown painted lead fence to show that there's still a main trunk staying.
Branches are often made with living mahogany wood as it has fitting tile texture. Alternations would be the use of certain platforms that aren't shiny.

The trick I used was to place blocks diagonally like a chess board, sometimes with exceptions.
I barely used strange plants in all trees but first one. You just need to feel where is the right place to place them. Many strange plants might lead to unwanted noises. I meant no offense, noise-buildes.
I couldn't leave without using a hammer to slope some leaf blocks.
As for walls to cover the tree, It's important to decide, leave air pixels or not. Air pixel is a tiny spot where there's no wall but an air.
Later there will be this term I call "leaves density" - You can set a nice leaves density by placing them according to a rule you make for yourself. Sometimes you want just to place it randomly and not be concerned - go for it.

All other details i missed, comes from practice and experience. You might figure more tricks than I did here. :)


Free additional tip: If building the 4th tree in snowy areas, you can occasionally replace leaves with snow or white-painted sandstone to give it that snow-capped appearance. You could also just paint the leaves white if you want to keep their texture.

small window tutorial - https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/comments/i0tr2d/small_window_tutorial_i_threw_together/
3D 건축
중력 포션을 이용한 우주 기지
가이드 격리소
건축은 아니지만 앙크 방패 조합

장비 정리 및 모음

